Trusted By

  • National Health Service
  • Bevan Buckland LLP
  • Swansea City AFC
  • Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency
  • Corporate Wellbeing

    Improve your team’s outlook on life, work and anything in between with specially-tailored programmes with an aim to enhance positivity, resilience and confidence.

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  • Outdoor Fitness

    Our Outdoor Fitness programme improves your mental health and wellbeing and you’re guaranteed to drop at least 8lb – 16lb in your first 8 weeks.

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  • SO FIT in the Community

    We are passionate about ensuring all parts of the community have access to wellbeing programmes. We specialise working with children and hard to reach areas.

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I was struggling greatly with my anxiety when I was advised to try out the Wake Your Wellness – 4 week program offered by So Fit. Initially, I was hesitant about participating, but I gathered my courage and decided to give it a try. From the instant I stepped inside, Phil and Gemma greeted me warmly, making me feel comfortable and relaxed with their friendly and professional demeaner.

The sessions encompassed various topics including mindset, nutrition, breathing, meditation, and resilience, illustrating their interconnectedness with mental health. The wealth of knowledge, tools, and techniques I’ve acquired from attending has been invaluable, greatly assisting me in effectively managing my anxiety.

Wake Your Wellness Attendee.

  • ‘Movember’ Men’s mental health

    Friday November 3rd 2023

    Men’s mental health is a topic that has been shrouded in silence and stigma for far too long. In a society that often expects men to be st...

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  • Burnout

    Friday June 9th 2023

    Burnout is more common than you think. If you have been in a long term stressful situation, physically and emotionally then you maybe subject to burnout or being overwhelmed.

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  • Well Being – Anxiety

    Friday June 9th 2023

    Anxiety can affect any kind of person at any stage of their life, whether they are an introvert or an extrovert, socially active or shy, youthful or elderly, male or female, wealthy or poor. Whatever your distinction, you can become anxious.

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  • Prioritise Health

    Friday June 9th 2023

    Over the last year 74% of UK adults have felt stressed at some point even overwhelmed or unable to cope. It is hardly surprising with the events that have been put on us.

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